HAP Blog

June 14, 2024

What is Going On in Outer Space?

As beautiful and mesmerizing as the Northern Lights are, when we see them in our areas, it can have some negative effects, especially on vital areas of infrastructure we so much rely on, especially in health care.

May 30, 2024

Tornadoes and The Terrifying, Teachable Moments for Hospital Emergency Managers

If you work as an emergency manager in a health care facility—wherever you are—you need to be ready to respond to tornadoes and other severe weather threats. Here’s a look at how health care teams have risen to the challenge, their harrowing stories, and what you can learn from their response.

May 14, 2024

Are you Using AI to Support your Emergency Management?

Have you ever said to yourself or someone else that you wish there were more hours in a day? Or how about simply: “I don’t have time for that.” I am sure at some point in your life you have said that or both, possibly multiple times.

April 30, 2024

The Big Questions for Emergency Managers and AI

From smartphones to tablets to wearable technology, the world—for better or worse—is increasingly interconnected and technological. But the tech’s potential comes with a few key questions that we need to answer. Here are a few from an emergency manager’s perspective.

April 15, 2024

An Aftershock of Preparedness

A few Fridays back, folks in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and other regions were startled when a 4.8-magnitude earthquake shook the region.

April 01, 2024

The Solar Eclipse and Emergency Preparedness

As the April 8 total solar eclipse approaches, emergency management professionals, first responders, health care officials, and community partners are readying themselves for issues that may arise.
