September 30 Agenda | October 1 Agenda | Who Should Attend | Symposium Registration Fees | Hotel Information | Continuing Education | Sponsorship Opportunities
Patient Safety, Quality, and Equity Symposium
September 30 - October 1, 2024
Hilton Harrisburg
Celebrate the Advances in Quality Made by HAP Members
HAP’s 2024 Patient Safety, Quality, and Equity Symposium provides the setting for health care leaders to discuss the opportunities and challenges for the future; network and learn from each other; and celebrate the diversity and scope of Pennsylvania hospitals’ accomplishments.
HAP's Health Equity Action Day, a pivotal event taking place on the opening day of our signature Patient Safety, Quality, and Equity Symposium. This day will be dedicated to addressing the imperative connection between health equity, patient harm, and patient safety. We encourage you to bring your team and be part of the change we aim to drive to advance health equity in Pennsylvania.
September 30, 2024
10:00 a.m. Conference Registration and Networking
11:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
11:05 a.m. The Power of Storytelling to Advance Health Equity, Adam Kohlrus, BA, MS, CPHQ, CPPS, Partner & Business Designer, DoTank Health
11:35 a.m. Communications Action Planning, Adam Kohlrus, BA, MS, CPHQ, CPPS, Partner & Business Designer, DoTank Health
12:15 p.m. Networking Lunch
1:00 p.m. Health Equity Ignite Talks
Cultural Appropriate Patient Care
Highlighting member projects that focus on practicing cultural humility and activities that improve culturally appropriate care such as language access and health literacy. Learn how to:
- Standardize culturally appropriate care across the care continuum
- Increase the use of appropriate language through focus on training and customer service
- Integrate CLAS into care delivery and decrease disparity gap
Collection and Use of Data to Drive Action
Highlighting member projects that focus on using quantitative and qualitative data to inform, design, and evaluate improvement strategies. Learn how to:
- Modify the STEEEP® (safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care) tool to leverage point of care improvements
- Use data to assist patients who use the emergency department for primary care to connect with a permanent PCP
2:40 p.m. Next Steps for HAP’s Health Equity Collaborative
3:00 p.m. Making the Business Case for Equity—The Inextricable Link to Quality and Safety, Jacqueline Ortiz, M.Phil, Vice President of Health Equity and Cultural Competence, ChristianaCare
Jacqueline Ortiz is the vice president for Health Equity and Cultural Competence at ChristianaCare. In this role, Ortiz develops strategic clinical partnerships, creates and implements a portfolio of innovative programs and evidence-based initiatives to identify, evaluate and eliminate disparities in health care process and outcomes. Her focus is on building the organizational capacity to reduce the incidence of disease and improve health outcomes, advance equitable health care services, and reduce health disparities for identified conditions and target populations.
3:40 p.m. Accreditation and Certification Updates for Equity and Hot Topic Standards, The Joint Commission
Explore the differences of The Joint Commission health equity standards and accreditation process, and the Health Care Equity Certification requirements. Leadership from The Joint Commission will also share compliance trends from their analysis of survey data and provide insights on the most challenging standards for hospitals.
4:20 p.m. Courage Through Chaos: Strategies in Resilience, Safety, and Crisis Management
5:00 p.m. Networking Reception with Sponsors
October 1, 2024
7:30 a.m. Light Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:30 a.m. Health Care Workforce: Building Engagement, Richard Bluni, RN, National Speaker, Coach, Huron
During this session you'll hear from national speaker, Rich Bluni, on how health care employers can elevate their culture and employee strategies to drive engagement and create psychologically safe working environments where teams openly share ideas—all of which ultimately bolsters employee recruitment and retention.
9:20 a.m. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Patient Safety Outcomes
During this session you'll learn about innovative, nurse-led acute care delivery solutions that involve innovative technology that improves efficiencies for staff like robots or wearable vital sign monitors, virtual care delivery, utilization of interprofessional support, teams, and resources.
10:00 a.m. Networking Break and Move to Breakout Sessions
10:15 a.m. Breakout Sessions
A. Virtual Nursing
B. Safety Process
C. Risk Arrangement to Prioritize Quality Improvement
10:45 a.m. Move to Breakout Sessions
10:50 a.m. Breakout Sessions
A. Behavioral Health
B. Medication Safety
C. Regulatory and Policy Update
11:20 a.m. Move to Breakout Sessions
11:25 a.m. Breakout Sessions
A. Virtual Strategies to Overcome Emergency Department Overcrowding
B. The Pressure is Rising! Setting the Standard: Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring
11:55 a.m. Move to General Session
12:00 p.m. Resiliency Engineering and Human Factors as a Path to High-Reliability Organizing, Oren Guttman, MD, MBA, Vice President for Patient Safety & High Reliability, Jefferson Health, Ed Asplundh Chief Patient Safety and Quality Officer, Jefferson Health Abington, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
In complex socio-technical environments, operating systems largely determine the outcome. Clinical operating systems and safety management systems inform and define the safety behaviors of an organization, and therefore, its culture of safety. It is important to design tools, technology and processes that do not exceed the capability and capacity of those using the system. We need to hold our operating systems and safety management systems to the same high professional standards to which we hold our clinicians. In this session, we will explore how to improve the resiliency of clinical operating systems and key strategies, operations and tactics to keep errors from turning into failure and failure from spreading.
12:35 p.m. Networking Lunch, Excellence in Patient Safety Awards, and Closing Session
Patient Involvement Strategies for Preventing Diagnostic Errors—Lessons for Safety, Quality and Equity Leaders, Carole Hemmelgarn, MS, MS, Director, Executive Master’s Program for Clinical Quality, Safety & Leadership, Senior Director, Education, MedStar Institute for Quality & Safety (invited)
A growing body of evidence shows that diagnostic errors are the most common, catastrophic, and costly of all medical errors. They are difficult to identify and often go unrecognized until it is too late. During this session, we’ll delve into the significance of timely, accurate and well-communicated diagnosis. We’ll have focused discussion on strategies that engage patients, families, and caregivers in the diagnostic process so that every patient receives the highest quality of diagnostic care.
2:00 p.m. Adjourn
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