State Issues HAP is working to move legislation to protect health care workers, increase access to care, ensure payor reimbursement for telemedicine services, and protect essential hospital funding streams for patients.
Federal Issues HAP is working to safeguard resources that help hospitals serve vulnerable communities and continue efforts to find consensus on policy that protects patients from unanticipated medical bills without government interference in private negotiations between providers and health plans.
Regulatory Activity HAP advocates for flexibility to ensure patients receive the right care, at the right time, and in the right setting.
September 03, 2024 How Pipe Ruptures Disrupt Health Care Water can hydrate, nourish, clean, and soothe us. When boiled, it can cook our food. As ice, it cools our drinks. It’s essential to sanitize, sterilize, and disinfect. It can erode a shoreline, or it can be used to power an electrical grid. But, too much or not enough water can lead to headaches in health care.