March 11, 2024
This week, health care professionals as well as patients and caregivers are celebrating Patient Safety Awareness Week.
This annual event serves as a national education campaign for promoting safe medical and health care practices. The theme this year: We are Safer Together.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement offers resources for both health care professionals and consumers, including ideas for Patient Safety Week Awareness recognition in the health care setting. The Center for Patient Safety’s website raises awareness by offering both English and Spanish language toolkits and posters.
Helping hospitals to increase awareness about patient safety is a priority at HAP. HAP’s quality team works with hospitals to prevent harm in health care settings, and the HAP Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) has brought the voice of the patient and family to quality work for more than a decade.
For additional information regarding assistance with patient safety and quality of care, as well as how you can become involved in the HAP PFAC, contact project manager, Janette Bisbee.
Tags: Workforce | Quality Initiatives | Public Health | Patient and Family Engagement
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