HAP Blog

August 15, 2014

Brave Hospitals

HAP recently stepped out of its comfort zone, and took a journey in to unchartered territory when we adopted our new strategic plan. The plan is different, bold, and I believe, brave as well.

May 09, 2014

Keys to Successful Hospital-Community Health Center Partnerships

The new world of health care into which we have all been thrust is forcing providers across the continuum to learn how to better work with one another. The incentives aren’t yet totally aligned, but are moving in the right direction. Hospitals and community health centers, both critical resources in the community, need to move in the right direction as well.

April 02, 2014

Death, Taxes, and End-of-Life Care

Death is certain but how we die and how we live until we die is a path determined by many decisions as well as many things beyond our control.   
