HAP's Latest News

June 06, 2017

Overdose Survivors in the ER: Seizing Opportunity within Tragedy

Hospital emergency rooms (ER) across the state are working to realize the potential for opportunity within the tragedy of Pennsylvania’s opioid epidemic. While caring for overdose survivors rescued from death, ERs are working to foster connections that could help those patients recover their lives.

December 15, 2015

Health Care Research Can Be Patient-Centric Too

When we think about the health care research process, we usually think about scientists and other research-related professionals. PCORI is changing that dynamic. PCORI was created in 2010, through the Affordable Care Act, “to improve the quality and relevance of evidence available to help patients, caregivers, clinicians, employers, insurers, and policy-makers to make informed health decisions”.

January 30, 2014

If You Build It…Will They Come?

A new national survey of the uninsured has revealed that creating healthcare.gov––glitches or no glitches––was not a sure bet to getting the uninsured engaged and enrolled.

