HAP Resource Center

Community Benefit in Action: Meadville Medical Center

Community Impact Spotlight: Fiscal Year 2023

A New Institute for Health Care Professionals

Meadville Medical Center is leading an effort to grow its community’s health care workforce.

This year, the hospital launched the MMC Institute for Healthcare Professionals. The institute is the center’s first educational-based program for individuals interested in pursuing health care-related careers. Students will finish the one-year program as a practical nurse and take their boards to be licensed. The program addresses a local need as another county nursing program ceased operations earlier this year.

“Preserving a strong workforce of nurses has been a challenge for a long time,” said Valerie Waid, chief nurse executive at MMC. “The impact of persistent, national nursing shortages can devastate rural hospitals. I believe that this program will assist us to provide quality care to our patients, while providing excellent job opportunities.”




Topics: Access to Care, State Advocacy, Tax-exempt Status, Workforce

Revision Date: 11/19/2024

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