HAP Resource Center

Advocacy Correspondence: PA Senate Judiciary Committee, Support for SR 149, Research No-fault Fund for Birth-related Injuries

October 10, 2023

The Honorable Lisa Baker
Senate Judiciary Committee
Senate Box 203020
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3020

The Honorable Steven Santarsiero
Minority Chair
Senate Judiciary Committee
Senate Box 203010
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3010


Dear Chair Baker and Chair Santarsiero:

On behalf of 235 hospital and health system members statewide—as well as the patients and communities they serve—The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP) writes to express its support for SR 149 introduced by Senator Rosemary Brown. This resolution charges the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee with researching other states’ approaches to the establishment and operation of no-fault funds that could assure proper financial support to families in the heartbreaking instances when babies suffer neurological injury during birth as well as increase access to maternity care across the commonwealth.

Several other states have used various mechanisms to establish and maintain funds—operated by the state—that compensate families when no-fault birth injuries occur. The intention is to fully support families that must live through and with unimaginable hardship while also reducing the cost of obstetricians’ malpractice insurance expenses. Additionally, other goals of these programs are to be able to retain and attract obstetric professionals, thus increasing access to high-quality health care in Pennsylvania.

You are aware of Pennsylvania’s current situation regarding maternal healthcare, including the commonwealth’s maternal morbidity and mortality rates. It is imperative to thoroughly consider every possible program that may help to eliminate ‘maternity deserts’ so that every pregnant person in every community in Pennsylvania can access high-quality, culturally competent pre- and post-natal care.

Directly related, there is a critical health care workforce shortage across Pennsylvania. Among the many impacted professions, obstetricians are of specific concern. A survey of maternity-specializing health care practitioners revealed that the “high cost of malpractice” is a significant barrier to providing obstetric care.

We strongly believe that this is a concept worth studying so that policymakers can make well informed decisions for an effective path forward in supporting families, maternity care, and the health care workforce in Pennsylvania.

We urge you to bring SR 149 before the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge your colleagues to vote yes.

We thank you for your time, consideration, and work to improve health outcomes for all Pennsylvanians.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me at HTyler@HAPonline.org or (717) 433-1997.

Thank you


Heather Tyler
Vice President, State Legislative Advocacy




Topics: State Advocacy

Revision Date: 10/10/2023

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