HAP's Latest News

October is Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month

October 13, 2023

Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month is an international awareness-building campaign to commemorate the progress that has been made toward making patient-centered care a reality and to build momentum for further progress. It is a time to raise awareness about the importance of providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values.

When patients are actively involved in their health care treatment, they:

  • Have a better understanding of their condition
  • Feel able to self-manage their symptoms or problems
  • Feel confident that the treatment choice is right for them
  • Understand the importance of treatment compliance and medication
  • Are proactive in monitoring and prevention routines

HAP has been actively supporting hospitals in the quest to provide high quality, safe, fiscally responsible person-centric care since 2013 with the creation of the nation’s first hospital association-sponsored Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). The PFAC provides a platform for Pennsylvania hospitals to network, learn, and problem solve together to enhance hospitals’ patient and family engagement (PFE) efforts.

Hospital staff, providers, patients, and family members are encouraged to celebrate Patient-Centered Care Awareness Month by working together to create a health care culture that has the expectation of patients as full members of the health care team.

For assistance with your organization’s PFE efforts, or to make your contribution to the HAP PFAC, contact HAP PFE Project Manager Janette Bisbee.

