August 13, 2020 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Substance Use Disorder Care: Pandemic and Beyond

Location: Online

Registration Deadline: August 13, 2020


The presentation will review the impact of the current global pandemic on substance use, overdose, and health care utilization. The pandemic has forced health care providers to rapidly adjust the method of care delivery and patient engagement. In particular, telehealth utilization has surged across all specialties including addiction care. We will discuss telehealth legislation and regulation, including temporary waivers that have permitted broader access to care, the evidence to support telehealth for opioid use disorder treatment, specifically, and future considerations once the public health emergency has finally ended.


  • Discuss impact of the pandemic on individuals with substance use disorders
  • Present data regarding overdose, hospital visits, and naloxone utilization during the pandemic
  • Review data on telehealth treatment of substance use disorders
  • Discuss federal and state telehealth legislation, temporary waivers, and role in future expansion of health care access


Michael Lynch, MD
Medical Director, Pittsburgh Poison Center
Medical Director, UPMC Health Plan Substance Use Disorder Services
Assistant Professor
Division of Medical Toxicology, Department of Emergency Medicine
Divisions of Adolescent and Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Brittney McCarthy
Management Associate
Pennsylvania Association of County Drug and Alcohol Administrators
An Affiliate of the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania

Registration Information

Although this webinar is free of charge, you must register to attend. Connection information, including how to obtain handout materials, will be emailed to registrants 48 hours prior to the webinar.


For registration information, or if you need special accommodations, please contact HAP Education Services at 717-561-5270.

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